Apr 29 2024 58 mins
Jason Herrick and his wife Caitlin decided to start playing offense for their children and the future of this country by taking control of the education they provide their children, themselves, and all the families lives they will touch through starting their own Apogee Strong campus; Apogee HoCo.
Howard County, Maryland will be home to one of 50 campuses starting up in the near future all over the US. The mission of Apogee Strong is one that resonates with me deeply. Leading through example, not being afraid of failure, critical thinking, hands on learning, educating the whole family & more.
Jason's story of suffering a severe concussion early in his professional soccer career left him unsure of the future of his family and his ability to provide. After being stuck of the subscription model of healthcare, and dealing with let down after let down, he realized through the help of some non-traditional medical professionals that he had the power to heal himself.
It took searching out and being proactive about his care to find this solution. He now aims to provide all the families that enroll in Apogee HoCo this same gift.
His leadership philosophy is to encourage, educate, and empower and he lives this in his own life and you'll be able to pick up on his care and authenticity in today's episode. Enjoy!
School website:
Apogee HoCo Instagram
Apogee HoCo Facebook
Books mentioned:
Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto
Free To Learn by Peter Gray
Unschooling Rules by Clark Aldrich
Apogee Strong Documentary
Until next time, go get uncomfortable.
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