Aug 18 2024 9 mins
Making decisions that stick can often be difficult for creatives and other communicators. Sometimes we get so overwhelmed with ALL the things that we do nothing. A Decision-Making Framework can be the difference between nothing and the one thing God has called you to do. Tune in to Episode 134 of Just One Simple Thing to learn how to create your own custom framework.
Welcome back, friends! I hope by now, you’ve gotten a chance to listen to Episode 133, where I share the three reasons why you need a decision-making framework.
1. It helps you make decisions at all.
2. To make better decisions.
3. To stop second guessing.
That adds up to your framework acting like a filter.
You set up a way to evaluate tasks and ideas according to what matters to you. And then only the things that fit and are valuable will make it through your filter.
So how do you create a framework?
- Start by identifying the criteria you want to judge your ideas and tasks by.
- Choose four or five things that you value, or that support your goals.
- Next, list the ideas or tasks you have in front of you.
- Rate each one by how well it meets each of the criteria.
- Add up the scores and see where they land! You might be surprised which ones have the highest totals and which are near the bottom of the pack.
When you get to the end of your framework, you need to pray over the results. Always leave room for the Holy Spirit to direct and guide.
If you need to see an example, I’d love for you to join me at the Now, Next, Not Yet workshop. I’ll also show you what to do with all those ideas after you have ranked them...what’s for now, what’s next, and what’s not yet. It’s a free workshop that I’m hosting live on Aug. 22, 2024, or if you are listening after that, you can get the free recording. Just go to for all the details. And I promise, this is completely free with no sales pitch at the end.
Thanks for joining me today. I hope I see you at the workshop, and that you’ll bring a friend!
Now, Next, Not Yet workshop - Sign up here!
How would it feel to close the door on this year and start the new year with fresh confidence?
No matter how it went for you, you need to say a fond farewell before you can move confidently into a new year.
The Looking Back to Move Forward challenge will help you take stock of the past year, decide what to carry with you into the New Year, and what needs to stay in the past.