Aug 13 2021 31 mins
Evan makes contact with a dazzling stranger, but he may be too busy to interview him if he wants to be Employee of the Month.
Our show is partly written, partly improvised!
Our improv section this week
- Starts at 9:42 after "sorry I didn't get a chance to earlier", ends at 16:20 with a transition noise.
- Evan Ayers- Aidan Murphy
- Frankie- Jay Fare
- The Moth- Danielle Freeman
- Carol- Jay Fare
Thank you to for providing our recurring sounds.
Ping phone — Mxzza Fx
Feet — Fesliyan Studios
Metal ladder step — All Sounds
Shattering glass — All Sounds
Lightbulb flickering — All Sounds
Trash — All Sounds
Bug zapper — Sound Effects and More
Ambient horror sounds — Ambience
Electric sounds — Techno mania
Step on glass — Morgentau SFX
Written by Aidan Murphy.
Edited by Aidan Murphy.
Story created by Aidan Murphy and Jay Fare.
Opening and ending theme by Eve's Cleaver.
Art by Bronze Archer Illustrations (@bronzearcher on Instagram, @theBronzeArcher on Facebook)
Do YOU have a spooky story to share? Feedback to give? Tweet @TheEvanAyers or email [email protected]! We welcome tales short and tall, pictures from road trips, and anything you've seen going on in our beloved Midwest.
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The Oasis Midnight Broadcast is brought to you by Thank You for Doing This Productions.