Sep 18 2023 62 mins
We're back! This week, Rhys and Colin are joined by James Wood, discussing his recent Ad Fontes article "How Abraham Kuyper Lost the Nation and Sidelined the Church."
They discuss Kuyper's approach to church and state, the critiques made by his forgotten foil Hoedemaker, and how their debates are relevant to contemporary debates about politics and the renewal of the church.
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00:00:00-:00:11:09 - Intro and introduction to Abraham Kuyper
00:11:18-00:24:16 - Kuyper on church and state; Hoedemaker's objections
00:24:28-00:34:17 - Hoedemaker, a bridge between Reformation political theology and modern liberal politics; Christians and public schools
00:34:28-00:52:16 - important dead Dutch guys; staying or going in compromised denominations
00:52:26-end - what we're reading; conclusion
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Currently Reading
Colin: Starry Messenger by Galileo Galilei
Rhys: Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
James: City of God by Augustine; Reformed Ethics by Herman Bavinck; TheToxic War on Masculinity by Nancy Pearcey
Texts Discussed
"How Abraham Kuype Lost the Nation and Sidelined the Church" by James Wood
"Calvin's Complex Ecumenism" by James Wood
Aaron's Rod Blossoming by George Gillespie
The Two Kingdoms: A Guide for the Perplexed by Brad Littlejohn
Intro and Outro:
Midnight Stroll by Ghostrifter
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Link Music:
New Road by Ghostrifter
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