Oct 02 2023 56 mins
This week, Rhys and Colin resume their walkthrough of Begotten or Made? by Oliver O'Donovan.
Having discussed "the psychological case" in transsexualism, they now discuss O'Donovan's account of "the social case". What are we saying when we refuse to admit someone is "in the wrong body", yet make social allowances for them? Should medicine be marhsaled in service of social problems? And whose job is it to make someone face reality? All these questions and more are hashed out this week.
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00:00:00-00:07:00 - Intro; Begotten or Made? recap
00:07:13-00:30:30 - "The social case" in transsexualism; reality claims; changes in trans issues; accommodation at scale; can you put the breaks on?; thankfulness for reality
00:30:40-00:38:43 - Who is responsible for burdening someone with reality?; can we avoid the reductio ad absurdum?;
00:38:53-00:45:23 - Welcome v. acceptance of reality; vocations of the body
00:45:33-end - What We're Reading; Davenant Spotlight; wrap up
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Currently Reading
Colin: The Florentine Codex by Bernardino de Sagahun
Rhys: A Prefeace to Paradise Lost by C.S. Lewis
Texts Discussed
Begotten or Made? by Oliver O'Donovan
Communicating God's Trinitarian Fullness by Joe Rigney
Intro and Outro:
Midnight Stroll by Ghostrifter bit.ly/ghostrifter-sc
Creative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported — CC BY-ND 3.0
Free Download: hypeddit.com/track/2gic0s
Link Music:
New Road by Ghostrifter bit.ly/ghostrifter-sc
Creative Commons — Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported — CC BY-ND 3.0
Free Download: hypeddit.com/track/l7ldfn
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