Mar 26 2021 10 mins 1
· How can you be blindsided by an ADHD diagnosis? It’s easy.
· Our culture has alternate explanations for virtually all ADHD-related challenges—e.g. depression, anxiety, and trauma. Even in this 21st Century, the mental health profession has not caught up to the science.
· When we finally learn, we are shocked: Why did we not know this before?
· How many relationships are imperiled by unrecognized ADHD? Maybe in the millions, just in North America.
· No matter how many “and then my spouse was finally diagnosed” stories I hear, each one moves me—and motivates me to keep beating the drum.
· This guest post comes from a woman named Claudia. I met her via a friend who is an Evangelical Christian—and who beats the Adult ADHD drum loudly in her community. Follow Christian Janeway on Twitter: @XianJaneway
· My friend tells me that many church friends have found themselves and their marriages in dire straits because 1) ADHD has gone undiagnosed, and 2) their church teachings call for wives to submit to and support their husbands.
· Cultural situations of all kinds can add another layer of invisibility to the presence of ADHD.
· You can read the post here: Blindsided by ADHD Diagnosis: One Wife’s Story
I love helping readers, listeners, and students understand the complexity of ADHD.
Solving Your Adult ADHD Puzzle — online training for Adults with ADHD and loved ones, with the option of joining regular Zoom Q&A meetings with your peers. Come join us and speed your learning curve!
Thanks for listening!
Gina Pera
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