Aug 28 2024 23 mins
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As the financial landscape for the renewables industry continues to evolve, Luis Silva, the chief financial officer at EDF Renewables, joins the show to offer his perspective on what lies ahead for the energy transition. Luis delves into areas of focus like the Inflation Reduction Act, the cost of capital and emerging trends around how projects are being financed. We also spend a great deal of time talking about transferable tax credits. In fact, when asked to share his bold predictions … the first one Luis mentions is very much related to transferable tax credits.
Key highlights
How the financial landscape for renewables has evolved - (3:21)
Operating in the current interest rate environment - (5:06)
What are the biggest financial risks to the renewables industry right now? - (6:40)
New players in the transferable tax credit market - (8:10)
Key questions being asked around tax deals - (10:19)
Luis' views on the Inflation Reduction Act - (13:47)
Policy moves that could help the renewables industry - (17:05)
Top concerns around deal finance - (17:51)
Luis' bold predictions - (19:26)
More resources from EDF Renewables
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