May 05 2021 44 mins
What actually is a Montessori resource? What the heck are open ended toys or loose parts? What does RIE recommend for babies? What is a passive toy? We are bombarded with adverts and beautiful images of all the resources that our children should have and often it’s really difficult to know what are the best toys to get for our little ones and what is really necessary. If you find your head is spinning from all the options and possibilities and you want to have a better idea about which resources are truly valuable, this episode is for you. I look at a what constitutes a valuable, quality toy, how to sift through the BS and what to actually look for when deciding what to get for our little ones. You will have a much better idea on what qualities to look for when choosing resources for your child.
In the Everyday Heroes segment I speak to Anna, a mum of 2 young children. Anna talks about how it took her a while to fully embrace her role as a mother and how over time she was able to re-evaluate her priorities, realise that trying to do it all was impossible and a cause of stress to her and how she came to accept her new, maternal identity. Real and raw stories from parents.
Show notes and transcript are available here.
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