May 19 2021 32 mins
Setting boundaries is an incredibly hard thing, it can often cause parents quite a bit of stress. Is this limit appropriate? Am I too harsh? Am I too lenient? Should I give in? They seem so upset, is it worth it? These are just some of the questions that come to mind. If you struggle with knowing how to respectfully set and hold a boundary then this episode is for you. We want our children to listen to what we are saying, at the same time we worry they won’t like us if we’re too strict. Sometimes we feel like we’re ‘giving in’ to our child’s whims and other times we end up in a power struggle that we’re entirely not sure why we’re even in.
We want our children to be safe, learn how to care for themselves and their environment. We want them to be free to make choices and decisions but we also need them to do as we ask at times. In this episode I am going to talk about why we should set limits with our children, how to do this in a respectful way, why children test them and how we can respond to this testing. By the end of the episode you will have a much clearer idea on why, when and how to set boundaries and feel more confident in doing so.
Show notes and transcript are available here.
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