Apr 15 2021 29 mins
Date: April 15, 2021
My Positive Pocket
Episode 3: Bring Joy to Others: Spread Happy Surprises and Smiles!
Summary: This is what I've been up to lately! I'm delivering vegan cupcakes to neighbors and strangers! Why not?! It is such a fun way to bring delight to unexpected hearts!
- - A fun tippy tip to bring a little spark into your life!
- - Shake it up when life seems dull!
- - Live happily by spreading delight!
- - The Universe will knows what you need!
- - If it's meant for you, It' come to you!
- - Sprinkle Surprises to make other people's lives more magical!
- - Be generous.
- - Live in a way that puts forth in the world you want to live in.
Let's be friends!
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