Have you ever seen a great movie where the main character takes a chance and then something incredible develops? We all wish we had that kind of courage- to go “All-In” and put it ALL on the line. We are obsessed with these ideas in movies. We love watching it play out.
Our faith in God is challenged constantly in this same way. God is constantly inviting us to trust him. Trust his word. Receive wisdom. Get perspective that only he can give. He actually refers to it as “the Narrow path”
In this episode we are discussing PRAYER, but more on a relational and conversation level with "God the Father". The simple definition of prayer is, “time spent conversing with God”. We are invited to pray over all things. Jesus gave devoted time to prayer, and miracles happened as a result. We know prayer can give fresh perspective and direction, change our hearts and give us courage. The more time we devote to the activity of prayer, the stronger we become spiritually.
Come listen in on this discussion. PRAYER- our conversation with God and spiritual practice is so misunderstood and underused. We are here to learn how to lean into it and grow stronger. Thanks for listening.
Westcliffe is a ministry without walls for people without Jesus.
Website: https://westcliffe.org
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/westcliffetx/
Email (we welcome feedback, questions, and prayer requests): [email protected]