Jan 14 2025 36 mins
What's on your mind? Let CX Passport know...
🎤🎞️Guidance. Influence. Results. “The one with the shepherds of CX” with Rachel Sheriff Chief Customer Officer for episode sponsor Recurly in CX Passport Episode 199🎧 What’s in the episode?...
0:00 Introduction to Rachel Sheriff
1:46 Rachel's role as Chief Customer Officer
3:27 Rachel's journey from agency to customer success
6:27 Aligning different teams to deliver customer value
9:45 The unique challenges of subscription-based models
12:09 Building trust and understanding with customers
15:27 Balancing cost of goods sold and business results
18:34 1st Class Lounge
24:30 Defining and delivering customer value
33:46 Trends in customer experience and partnerships
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I'm Rick Denton and I believe the best meals are served outside and require a passport
Thank you to Recurly for your sponsorship of this episode.
Episode resources:
Rachel LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachelsheriff/
Recurly: https://recurly.com/
CX Passport Show Sponsorship Philosophy: https://www.ex4cx.com/blog/2023/3/3/sponsorship