Aug 22 2023 22 mins
Any career switch will have its ups and downs. I speak with recovery coach Gerardo Matamoros about some potentially harmful behaviors you may start relying on to help you handle whatever is going on right now with your career change.
Gerardo is the owner of consulting firm 7RM7 and a group facilitator for Smart Recovery, a nationwide nonprofit which offers free support groups to individuals who want independence from any type of addictive behavior.
In this episode of Career Switch Podcast, Gerardo tells us what’s really behind whatever behavior you may be using to cope, whether it’s too much eating, spending, drinking, smoking, sleeping, TV watching, gaming, pill taking—anything that can be harmful when done in excess.
Gerardo explains how your thoughts affect your actions and offers 3 keys to how you can better cope with making a career change.
Episode Highlights:
- Warning signs that can lead to unhealthy behaviors
- Why people start turning to potentially harmful behaviors to cope
- Stress and control
- Cognitive distortions that affect your actions
- Questioning your thoughts
- Using cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT
- Stages of change
- Reducing anxiety with acceptance and patience
- Taking action to reduce stress
Find Gerardo Matamoros at:
Learn more about Smart Recovery at:
Resources mentioned:
How to Make Stress Your Friend, TED Talk by Kelly McGonigal
Ep 5: How to handle uncertainty while making a career change
Music credit: TimMoor from Pixabay
Podcast info:
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