Jan 23 2025 35 mins
When Dom transferred to Bridgewater State in Bridgewater, MA. from a community college, he shared on an earlier episode of the pod that he planned to move into the dorms after a semester. Instead, he ultimately decided to continue commuting- both to save some money and enjoy the support of his parents. But Dom is deeply involved with campus life. He became an Orientation Leader (which did include a stint of dorm living), he works with campus programming, and is now drawing on his own experiences to help create an internship program to ensure that inclusion in campus organizations is not just integration, but more meaningful.
On track to graduate next year, Dom is a communications disorders major. He says professors have been helpful, accommodations have been flexible over the years, but he's found a couple of the classes challenging enough to retake them for a better grade as he'd like to graduate with honors. Dom's a music minor, plays in multiple student groups, and says he's usually on campus six days a week, because there is always something happening at BSU, and he doesn't want to miss out.