Feb 07 2025 59 mins 1
Ready to find your alignment and flow, and restore your highest energy when things feel off? This episode illuminates the journey of reclaiming your energy and reconnecting with your authentic self amidst the heaviness of current events.
Christine Renee and Jessica Mangum share practical grounding techniques, the importance of community, and powerful insights on authenticity and energy management.
• Discussing feelings of collective heaviness affecting spiritual seekers
• The role of community in fostering support and healing
• Tangible grounding techniques to realign energy
• Emphasizing the importance of consistency in spiritual practices
• The value of authenticity and self-compassion on the healing journey
• Encouraging listeners to transform negative energies and thoughts
• Reaffirming the interconnectedness of personal growth and collective healing
Thank you for sharing in this enlightening journey with us! Don't forget to subscribe and engage with our community.
Connect with Jessica:
Newsletter Sign-up and Website: https://jessicamangum.com/about-jessica-mangum/
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YouTube Resources: https://www.youtube.com/@JessicaMangumYSP/videos
Links Mentioned:
Reiki Pilgrimage: https://www.rootsoflife.org/rcukyoto
Cyndi Dale: https://cyndidale.com/
Moon Rising Shamanic Institute Links:
Website: https://moonrisinginstitute.com/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/moonrisinginstitute
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/moonrisingmystics
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moonrising.institute
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@moonrisinginstitute
Book a session with Isabel: https://calendly.com/into-the-deep/schedule
Book a FREE 15 minute connect call with Izzy: https://calendly.com/moonrisinginstitute/connect
Book a session with Christine: https://calendly.com/christinerenee/90-minutes-intensive
Book a FREE 10 minute connect call with Christine: https://calendly.com/christinerenee/10-minute-connect-call-srpt