Oct 30 2024 30 mins
Tune into the astrological trends of November 2024 with Kerry's monthly Vedic astrology forecast.With the deep rumblings of big changes ahead, November draws us inward to clean house, take out the trash, and test drive new ideas before launching. Read or listen to the full forecast.
SUN: The Sun reflects our individual expression and moves from the idea realm to the workshop on November 15th. Early November, we may be focused on social activities, performance, and collaboration with Sun in Libra. When Sun moves to Scorpio mid-month, get engaged for action as the rubber hits the road.
MOON: November sees a new Moon on both its first and last day. Sun and Moon join in Libra on November 1st and then in Scorpio on November 30th, indicating that this month may feel full of starting over and re-set buttons. In between, the full Moon in Aries on November 15th shows us the light and the road ahead.
MARS: Mars spends all of November in the watery sign of Cancer, forcing the powerful master of fire to slog and slosh through shifting waters of emotional sensitivity. This is a great opportunity to delve into emotions like anger and aggression, discovering the vulnerabilities that lie beneath them such that reparations can be made.
MERCURY: Mercury bounces through Scorpio all month, with a retrograde cycle from November 25th to December 15th. November is for deep analysis, doing the math, and communicating difficult things. Fixing things below the surface is crucial at this time!
JUPITER: Jupiter continues in retrograde motion through Venus' earth sign, Taurus. Give away what you don't want and feel the spaciousness of dissolving that which is past. This is a time for gratitude and humbly bowing toward our desire to become more than we are now.
VENUS: Venus manages the relationship department, which could have been a bit chaotic in October. November 6th sees Venus moving into Sagittarius, invoking an exchange of signs with Jupiter through month's end, bringing a twist that looks positive and rejuvenating.
SATURN: Saturn's deliberate pressure may reappear as he resumes direct motion on November 15th, adding spice to the several shifts we see mid-month. Going forward, choose where to take responsibility and put your determination to work as you move toward your goal.
RAHU: Rahu continues to make waves and rock boats in November. With Mars' power concentrated in Cancer where Rahu's gaze does extend, watch out for water element with excess power and energy. Keep the life vest in reach and higher ground in sight.
KETU: The intuitive and mystical Ketu continues to sit in Virgo, receiving the expansive aspect of Jupiter and enjoying some movement due to Mercury's transit through Scorpio. This is a good time to uncover hidden clues and obscure information that leads to liberating solutions.
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