Feb 27 2024 54 mins
While traveling on family vacations to the Golden Isles while she was growing up, co-host Robin would peer out of the car window into the gray waters of Georgia’s Altamaha River — searching for the Altamaha-ha. A long, scaly, aquatic cryptid with an alligator-like head that parascopes above the water’s surface, the Altamaha-ha is rumored to swim so powerfully that boats rock in its wake.
But are the tales of this much-beloved creature (nicknamed Altie by locals) true? Some believe it's instead an alligator gar — a fascinating creature in its own right that, however, lacks the "loch ness monster" quality of our dear Altie.
In this episode, we discuss the recorded accounts and theories of Georgia's Altamaha-ha. But first, Zoey is here with her Something Spooky: the top 10 states for UFO sightings!
Sources: https://hauntedhospitality.wordpress.com/2024/02/27/ep-151-tales-of-the-altamaha-ha
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