Aug 25 2024 45 mins
Special episode this week with Guest Host, Reino Gevers, from the Living To Be Podcast. Walking the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in northwestern Spain has surged in popularity, drawing nearly half a million pilgrims this year alone. However, as its fame grows, so do concerns about whether the Camino is becoming a victim of its own success. Has it now become overrated and overcrowded?
In this episode, we talk to Camino veterans Leigh Brennan and Johnny Walker, two expats living in Santiago de Compostela, on the latest Camino developments. Leigh hosts the popular Camino Cafe podcast. Johnny has written several Camino guidebooks and hosts the Camino All Routes Facebook site which has more than 438,000 followers."
#caminodecompostela #selfimprovement #santiagodecompostela #walking #pilgrimage #pilgrim
Highlights of this episode:
-Preparing and walking the Camino for the first time
- Walking the alternative routes that few people know about
- Why the Camino remains a life-changing experience
Video Version of this Interview with Reino, John, and Leigh:
Interview at the Camino Cafe Podcast with Reino Gevers - Deep Walking for Body, Mind, and Soul - Episode 13: - YouTube - Audio Version
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The Camino Cafe's intro and outro song with thanks to fellow Pilgrim, Jackson Maloney. Original Song - "Finnis Terre" - written and performed by Jackson Maloney - Singer, Musician, and Songwriter. Connect with Jackson: