Oct 14 2024 31 mins 13
In a world where mental health issues and loneliness are at an all-time high, it’s more important than ever to find ways to cultivate joy, community, and meaning in our lives. But how exactly do you do that?
Maybe we need to turn outward rather than inward for answers.
That's what we are talking about with Dr. Richard Beck.
Dr. Richard Beck is a professor of psychology at Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Texas He is a popular blogger and speaker and the author of several books. We interviewed him a bit ago about his Hunting Magic Eels: Recovering an Enchanted Faith in a Skeptical Age (which I recommend to people all the time if there are in that space of deconstruction). And today we are talking about his newest book, The Shape of Joy: The Transformative Power of Moving Beyond Yourself.
00:00 Introduction: Exploring Joy in a Challenging World
00:37 Meet Dr. Richard Beck: A Journey into Joy
01:16 The World's Worst Commencement Address
04:00 The Shape of Joy: Turning Outward
05:55 The Wandering Mind and Mental Health
11:38 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Beyond
15:28 Humility and Happiness: A Surprising Connection
19:13 The Power of Mattering and Transcendence
23:18 Mr. Kenneth's Story: Joy in Unexpected Places
29:34 Conclusion: Finding Joy and Staying Connected
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