Dec 15 2024 40 mins
Fanny Tristan is a Psychotherapist, Retreat Leader, Breakup Coach and Founder of Her Soul Supply. With over 10 years of experience working closely with women, Fanny has a wealth of expertise.
Her Soul Supply, is a coaching Program for Women of Color by a Woman of Color. It offers coaching and retreats for women recovering from breakups, divorce and toxic relationships. To help them recover, reset, be empowered to overcome adversity and to thrive.
In this conversation, we talk about Fanny's Afro-Peruvian heritage, food, culture and her career, practise and work with women of colour in Her Soul Supply.
Fanny, shares about starting her private practise called Restority Space, which focuses on busy women of colour in New York and New Jersey. It is while working in this space, she noticed patterns and mental health concerns with women going through a breakup. Hence Her Soul Supply, where she decided to adopt a more holistic approach to treatment.
What happens during a breakup? The reality is that everyone will endure a breakup at some point in their life. It happens with jobs, friends, family, couples and relationships etc.
In a breakup people go through and process various stages of grief. With her work in Breakup recovery, she guides her clients through the phases, so that they get to acceptance and come out feeling confident, having clarity and knowing what's next for them.
Why the Soul? Fanny shares about the importance of rest, feeding and taking care of the Soul. For women especially, she says "they need to claim that space of rest and restoration, because people won't give it to you".
Her Soul Supply offers retreats for women of color who are in the recovery phase. It's a curated travel and lifestyle experience to build connection in a Wellness space. To help each other discover peace and freedom in their life.
Have a listen to Fanny, whose heart and soul is for women. She truly believes in the transformative power of sisterhood and exploration as a way to elevate and empower women.
Her Soul Supply
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