Oct 15 2024 68 mins
In our final episode for season 6, Kara talks to Dr. Imogen Hines about Induction of labour, specifically planned induction and the surprising reaction it can prompt.
As an orthopedic doctor, Imogen was no stranger to research and so when she found out she was pregnant she didn't hesitate to put that to the test researching the birth that was going to be best for her and her baby. Based on her findings and on her personal situation she decided to book for a planned induction at 39 weeks.
As a public figure, Imogen was expecting to hear multiple opinions on her decision but she did not anticipate the level of negative comments, even vitriol, that would come her way
As well as speaking openly of her own experience, Imogen and Kara discuss induction at length including the ongoing impact of the Arrive trial and being pregnant when everyone seems to have an opinion on your choices. She also shares fascinating insight on the ongoing gender inequity in surgical training and how women continue to be pushed out by unnecessary structural barriers.