Can two people experience the same exposure and have different reactions to both chemical and non-chemical stressors? Yes, according to Samantha "Sam" Snow and a team of toxicologists, epidemiologists, exposure scientists, and others who assess risk. Dr. Snow talks with co-hosts Anne Chappelle, PhD, and David Faulkner, PhD, about exposure science, new approach methodologies, and forming the SOT Out Toxicologists and Allies Special Interest Group.
About the Guest
Samantha Snow, PhD, DABT, is a Director of Toxicology at ICF specializing in risk assessment projects, toxicological and epidemiological study summaries and reviews, literature reviews, technical writing, hazard assessments, and health and risk communication. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the US EPA Cardiopulmonary Immunology Branch, where her research interests were wide and included examining neuroendocrine regulation of ozone-induced cardiopulmonary, systemic, and metabolic responses. Dr. Snow has a PhD in toxicology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is certified as a Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology. She has been an active member of SOT since 2010, serving in the following capacities: Out Toxicologists and Allies Founding Member (2019) and President (2022–2023); Postdoctoral Assembly Chair (2017–2018); North Carolina Regional Chapter Councilor (2016–2018) and Postdoctoral Representative (2013–2015); and more.
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