How to say “Enjoy autumn! “ in Slovak; Autumn and Harvest of Potatoes; Imperative of Slovak reflexive verbs; Autumn Activities Guide; S7E11

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Oct 16 2024 28 mins   2

Today's episode is about autumn and memories from my childhood about harvesting potatoes. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn about the imperative of some Slovak reflexive verbs. You will also learn how to say “Enjoy autumn! “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my autumn activities guide.

Episode notes
In today's episode, I’m talking about autumn and memories from my childhood about harvesting potatoes. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn about the imperative of some Slovak reflexive verbs. You will also learn how to say “Enjoy autumn! “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my autumn activities guide.

Slovak lesson
Sprievodca jesennými aktivitami (Fall Activities Guide)
1. Odstráňte odumreté rastliny (Remove dead plants)
2. Pohrabte opadané lístie (Rake the fallen leaves)
3. Vysádzajte cibuľoviny ako sú tulipány a narcisy (Plant bulbs such as tulips and daffodils)
4. Zakryte krehké rastliny proti mrazu (Cover fragile plants against frost)
5. Vyčistite záhradnícke náradie (Clean your gardening tools)
6. Vypustite vodu z hadice a uskladnite ju (Drain the water from the hose and store it)
7. Upratajte vonkajšie priestory (Clean the outdoor areas)
8. Vyčistite a uskladnite vonkajší nábytok (Clean and store outdoor furniture)
9. Zakryte ohniská alebo grily (Cover fireplaces or grills)
10. Vyberte sa na prechádzku (Go for a walk)
11. Prechádzajte sa v prírode (Take a walk in nature)
12. Oblečte sa vo vrstvách (Dress in layers)
13. Prineste si fotoaparát alebo telefón na fotografie (Bring your camera or phone for photos)
14. Urobte si z toho rodinný výlet! (Make it a family trip!)
15. Povzbudzujte deti, aby zbierali farebné listy alebo žalude (Encourage children to collect colorful leaves or acorns)
16. Užívajte si jeseň s rodinou! (Enjoy autumn with your family!)
17. Užívajte si jeseň! (Enjoy autumn!)

00:37 Introduction to the episode
02:36 Autumn and harvest of potatoes
07:10 Fun fact 1
09:09 Fun fact 2
10:26 Slovak lesson
13:25 Autumn activities guide
27:01 Final thoughts

If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website

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