Jun 29 2023 136 mins
Dr. Finance Live Podcast Episode 107 - Bobbi DePorter Interview - Educator - CAYS CoFounder
This is Episode 107 of the Dr. Finance® Live Podcast hosted by Dr. Anthony M. Criniti IV (aka “Dr. Finance®”). Dr. Criniti interviewed Bobbi DePorter, author, educator, entrepreneur, cofounder of Quantum Learning Network and Money and You programs, cofounder of CAYS.
Bobbi DePorter is cofounder of Quantum Learning Network (QLN). Having completed its 40th year, QLN created Quantum Learning Education, SuperCamp and 8 Keys of Excellence programs for students, teachers, schools and organizations across the United States and in over a dozen other countries impacting hundreds of thousands of educators and millions of students. An early pioneer in the field of accelerated learning, Bobbi is the author of over a dozen books on teaching and learning.
Bobbi is also the cofounder, along with Stedman Graham, of CAYS Community Alliance for Youth Success. CAYS involves community members in events and helps students to discover, develop, and live their purpose, leading to a meaningful life.
Dr. Anthony M. Criniti IV (aka “Dr. Finance®”) is the world's leading financial scientist and survivalist. A fifth generation native of Philadelphia, Dr. Criniti is a former finance professor at several universities, a former financial planner, an active investor in diverse marketplaces, an explorer, an international keynote speaker, and has traveled around the world studying various aspects of finance. He is an award winning author of three #1 international best-selling finance books: The Necessity of Finance (2013), The Most Important Lessons in Economics and Finance (2014), and The Survival of the Richest (2016). Dr. Criniti is also the host of the highly successful Dr. Finance® Live Podcast as well as one of the top hosts on Clubhouse. Dr. Criniti has started a grassroots movement that is changing the way that we think about economics and finance.
For more information about Doctor Finance, please visit https://DrFinance.Info.
Disclaimer: This Podcast is for informational purposes only. It is presented with the understanding that the author(s) and the publisher(s) are not engaged in providing financial, legal, or other professional services. If financial, legal, or any other form of advice is needed, please consult a financial advisor, an attorney, or another professional advice-giving entity.
Also, the opinions and views expressed by any guests on this Podcast do not necessarily represent the opinions and views of Dr. Finance® or its affiliates.
Copyright © 2021 to Present by Dr. Anthony M. Criniti IV - All Rights Reserved.