Jan 19 2022 26 mins
Michael K Sahota, CEC, is a Thought Leader, Author and Speaker in the Agile Industry. Michael is the co-founder and CEO of SHIFT314 Inc. He has developed a unique IP to unlock success with Agile, Digital, Lean, and other new ways of working.
Michael is professionally trained as an Engineer, has published papers on Artificial Intelligence, and M.Sc. in Computer Science. He has always been curious about how to make things work and has shifted this focus over his career from computers and software systems to people and organizational systems. Michael’s relentless quest took him to India to study consciousness from enlightened masters and his work reflects the deep integration of Eastern wisdom traditions into practical business guidance.
Michael’s life’s work is a system to enable evolutionary capabilities in people and organizations to create high performance through Business Agility. As a thought leader in the Agile Industry he published the ground-breaking book An Agile Adoption and Transformation Survival Guide: Working with Organizational Culture. In 2018, he published Emotional Science: The Key to High Performance. Michael is working on his upcoming book on Evolutionary Change. His vision is to support the development of evolutionary capabilities in people and organizations to create change and impact on a global scale.