Nov 24 2024 63 mins 6
Paper Talk The Paper Lover’s Podcast
Welcome back friends so happy you are here . We are excited to share todays episode of Currently Christie with all of you . In this episode we chat all things Tricks & Treats event as well as our December Daily plans . So grab yourself a cozy cuppa and join us for another chatty episode of all things paper and stickers.
We ask that you please visit our Instagram account @paper_talk to stay updated . We as always appreciate all your continued support.
Where you can find the paper goodies and paper loving friends mentioned in today's episode :
Alexandra Ali Skifton : IG- @funadventureswithali
Color Cast Designs : IG- @colorcastdesigns
Jessica Upton : IG- @jessica_upton
Lindsay Wahl : IG - @lindsaylayouts
One Paper Place : IG - @onepaperplace
Crafty Shop By Sache : IG- @craftyshopbysache
Paige Evens : IG: - @paigetaylorevans
Andrea Lake : IG: - @andrealakecreates
* December Daily Mentions :
Doodlebug albums : you can find these beautiful albums at any of our favorite online scrapbook stores or any of your local scrapbook stores .
Simple Stories - Simple Vintage Holly Jolly you can find this collection at any of our favorite online scrapbook stores - also any of your local scrapbook stores .
Citrus Twist Kits Life -Crafted albums : You can find Janet's album choice for December Daily here
Cocoa Vanilla Deck the Halls Christmas collection : You can find this collection at any of our favorite online scrapbook stores - also any of your local scrapbook stores.
Ali Edwards : Check out Ali's youtube and socials for more December Daily inspiration.
IG: @aliedwards
IG: @ Aliedwardsdesigninc
IG: @decemberdaily
Youtube : Ali Edwards
We ask that you please visit our Instagram account @paper_talk to stay updated and as always we appreciate all your continued support.