Jan 30 2025 36 mins
In 1580, a Portuguese Capuchin friar, Antonio da Madalena, departed the renowned Alcobaça Monastery in central Portugal, embarking on an adventure that led him to Goa, India, where he established a library for his order. By 1586, after years of exploring Southeast Asia's dense jungles, cultures, and religions, he stumbled upon the sprawling ruins of Angkor—a magnificent ancient metropolis of stone featuring moated cities, palaces, and the iconic Angkor Wat, the world's largest religious monument. The complex, built without mortar or machines, left Madalena pondering its origins: Alexander the Great, the lost tribes of Israel, or the local Khmer people. This awe-inspiring discovery invites us to explore the secrets of Angkor Wat and uncover an ancient message in stone that resonates even today.