Jan 15 2025 6 mins 1
The new documentary, Boarding On Insanity featuring many experts including Dr Gabor Mate, Dr Suzanne Zeedyk, Nick Duffell and Prof Joy Schaverien is nearing completion
The film explores the question, Are our leaders traumatised?
And the trauma? Boarding school.
Many of the world's leading business and political figures have attended these schools from Mark Zuckerberg to Donald Trump and from Richard Branson to Boris Johnson.
What is the impact of going to these schools?
We explore the stories of those who went to boarding school and ask experts what the impact might be on our leaders.
If you would like to be notified of the film release please do join our email list here: https://www.piers-cross.com/boarding-school-film
Any questions please do comment below.
#boardingschool #boardingoninsanity #gabormate
Take care,
Piers is an author and a men's transformational coach and therapist who works mainly with trauma, boarding school issues, addictions and relationship problems.
He also runs online men's groups for ex-boarders, retreats and a podcast called An Evolving Man.
He is also the author of How to Survive and Thrive in Challenging Times. To purchase Piers first book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Survive-Thrive-Challenging-Times/dp/B088T5L251/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=piers+cross&qid=1609869608&sr=8-1
For more videos please visit: http://youtube.com/pierscross
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For Piers' website and a free training How To Find Peace In Everyday Life: https://www.piers-cross.com/community
Many blessings,
Piers Cross