Nov 05 2021 73 mins
In this episode, Dr. Jason Thompson and Dr. Brandon Crowley ( reckon the impacts of White Christianity (also called “Christian nationalism” and “white Christian nationalism”) and its distinctions between Christ's liberating message for all people. The term "White Christianity" is used to describe a political movement that seeks to topple church-state separation and declare America a “Christian nation” – with “Christian” in this case being far to the right and supremely fundamentalist.
While this movement is sometimes openly aligned with racist movements, their ultimate goal is seen as a branch of white supremacy because it would result in a society governed by conservative white Christian men who would make decisions for everyone else.
The terminology is new, but the movement is not and the Religious Right, a religio-political force of extreme Christian fundamentalists who seek to tear down the church-state wall, “Christianize” public schools and other government institutions, roll back women’s rights, strip LGBTQ Americans of basic freedoms and impose a theocratic state on the country.
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The ThinkBig Collaborative is designed for the full, conscious, and active participation of all worshipers - young and old, the powerless and powerful, newcomers and lifelong worshipers. Through ThinkBig we are led beyond ourselves to give ourselves away to minister to the needs of the local community and the world. A hallmark of the ThinkBig Collaborative is its potential to mine the riches of scripture and lead worshipers to deeper encounters with the message of the gospel where true purpose and destiny in Him is found.