Episode 74: 60uP Balance Board Founder and Coach to the Stars Dan Metcalfe

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May 17 2024 30 mins  

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This week on T.H.A.T. I had a very powerful conversation with my friend and mentor Dan Metcalfe IG: @danmetcalfe_official

Dan suffered a life changing brain injury where part of his brain died. He had to learn how to function and even speak properly again. Undeterred, he took his life into his own hands. Understanding the power of the brain is life changing. We are born to heal. Having now trained tens of thousands of people, his story and knowledge about brain training is revolutionary. The miracle of the brain is waiting for you to unleash its power. Incorporate it into your life for undeniable growth. Keep your brain and body connection healthy with a system that will add, research proven, 7-8 quality years to your life. You will leave Dan’s talk inspired, passionate, and empowered to live life to YOUR full potential. (If anyone you know is suffering from immobility and balance loss, from aging to neurological disease, please advise them to attend too. This will change their life and put them confidently back on their feet)

#mindset #mindsetcoaches #60upfitness #balancetraining #loveyourself #positiveaffirmations #yourheartislistening #yourbrainisalwayslistening #aginggracefully #letgooffear #brainbodyconnection #rewiringourbrain #neurologicalfeedback #moveyourbody #thrivingmindset #heartattackthriver #knowthesigns #knowthesymptoms #knowyourfamilyhistory #knowyournumbers #heartattacksurvivor #theheartattackthriverpodcast

Contact Dan at: [email protected] or [email protected]

Bob Eubanks 60uP video link: https://youtu.be/QcIeqyd5-Vk?si=oYQbAf3CUHQMonit

Podcast Disclaimer:

The information and opinions presented in the Heart Attack Thriver Podcast is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, medical advice. While the information provided on this Podcast relates to medical issues, and health and wellness, the information is not a substitute for medical advice from a Medical Professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.

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