May 29 2024 31 mins
This week on T.H.A.T I was in conversation with Psychotherapist Elena Rybko
I met Elena at our yoga studio in Westlake Village @theritual_wlv and we immediately hit it off.
In our interview Elena share her 15 yrs of experience and how your important your mindset is.
She shares here journey to where she is today and what she does in her practice and what it was that led her to become a Psychotherapist in the first place
We touch on some of the tools and skills she teaches her clients and how she incorporates it in to her day to day life as well.
#mindfulness #meditation #mindset #mindsetiseverything #yourthoughtsarepowerful #neuroplasticity #thrivermindset #psychotherapist #mentaltoolbox #heartattack #heartattacksurvivor #heartattackprevention #awarenessiseverything #knowthesigns #knowthesymptoms #knowyourfamilyhistory #listentoyourbody #itsnotalwaystextbooksymptoms #seekhelpimmediately #call911 #breathe
#listentoyourheart #listentoyourbody #theheartattackthriver #theheartthriverpodcast
Contact Elena:
IG: @myhealingtherapy and @thrivingmindstudios
Email: [email protected]
Podcast Disclaimer:
The information and opinions presented in the Heart Attack Thriver Podcast is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, medical advice. While the information provided on this Podcast relates to medical issues, and health and wellness, the information is not a substitute for medical advice from a Medical Professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.
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