Episode 79: My Motorcycle: A 2013 Triumph Tiger Explorer 1200

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Jul 16 2024 29 mins  

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After an afternoon showing my Moto some love (gave her a much needed and thorough cleaning) I felt inspired to talk about my 2013 Triumph Tiger Explorer 1200 that I took on my solo trip all the way from Toronto to Costa Rica and then back to California where she and I now reside.

All in all, we visited 9 Countries, 21 states and 6 Provinces!

Oh the stories she would tell if she could talk!

I hope this story inspires you, I hope it motivates to trust your intuition and I hope it inspires you to “Face Your Fear, Learn its Name and Love it out of YOU!!”

Much Love!

Podcast Disclaimer:

The information and opinions presented in the Heart Attack Thriver Podcast is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, medical advice. While the information provided on this Podcast relates to medical issues, and health and wellness, the information is not a substitute for medical advice from a Medical Professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.

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