Jan 31 2025 43 mins 1
It was so great to catch up with Ian again and have him share his recent experience with heart issues that ultimately required an international effort to get the answers doctors needed to get finally get to the bottom of his chest pain and other symptoms heart attack symptoms.
Thankfully persistence paid off, and Ian is back feeling more like himself and logging some good training miles!
#heartattack #heartattackthriver #knowthesigns #knowthesymptoms #listentoyourbody #itsalwaystalkingtoyou #cardiovasculardisease #itsasilentkiller #advocateforyourself #eatwellandexercise #itcouldsaveyourlife #ultrarunner #ultraenduranceathlete #ittakesavillage #heartattacksurvivor #imthrivingnotjustsurviving #theheartattackthriver #theheartattackthriverpodcast
Podcast Disclaimer:
The information and opinions presented in the Heart Attack Thriver Podcast is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, medical advice. While the information provided on this Podcast relates to medical issues, and health and wellness, the information is not a substitute for medical advice from a Medical Professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation.
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