Jan 06 2025 60 mins 1
Historian Kevin Impellizeri shares a story of a video game controversy to his friends: Andy Hunter, Elford Stephens, and Phil Thomas. We're taking a month off for the holidays, so enjoy part one of a two-part remastered version of our episode on Postal 2 (Running with Scissors, Whiptail Interactive, PC, 2003), the crass magnum opus of the rudest, crudest dudes in gaming: Running with Scissors. This time, you'll be treated to tons of never-before-aired footage and additional info from Kevin.
Topics discussed include: The logistics of using a cat's butt as a silencer, the tumultuous 2000s career of Gary Coleman, and games RWS could have ripped off to make Postal 2 combat's better.
For more on the Nyan Cat mod for Unreal Tournament 3, check out Brandon Stines, "Nyan Cat Becomes a Weapon of Mass Destruction in This Unreal Tournament 3 Mod," Nerdeux, September 20, 2011, https://nerdeux.wordpress.com/2011/09/20/nyan-cat-becomes-a-weapon-of-mass-destruction-in-this-unreal-tournament-3-mod/
More info, including show notes and sources at http://scandalousgamespodcast.wordpress.com.