Dec 13 2023 64 mins 1
In this episode, we discuss an unsolved murder.
Haunting, horrible, upsetting and deeply troubling documentary: The Keepers on Netflix. Gemma Hoskins, Emmy Nominated for The Keepers, is still hunting down who killed beloved teacher and nun Sister Cathy Cesnik.
Every now and again you stumble across a documentary that leaves you speechless, of murder, sexual violence, and hidden secrets, that plants an expression of disbelief across your face that lasts long after you’ve finished watching it. One, that leaves you no choice but to be heavily invested in strangers’ lives, and leaves you still trying to find resolve to unanswered questions in the days that follow. A documentary that makes you question what the hell is wrong with the world. The Keepers is one of those documentaries. Our guest today, is Gemma Hoskins, one of the students of Sister Cathy, and at the center of the documentary, The Keepers.
Horrible, gut wrenching and deeply haunting. But it's an important and incredibly brave story nonetheless. The Keepers tells the story of Sister Catherine Cesnik, a 26-year-old nun living in Baltimore who was abducted and murdered back in the 1960s. The case was never solved, but was linked to a horrific history of sexual abuse by a chaplain called Father Joseph Maskell.
The documentary itself is incredibly interesting, but the subject matter is difficult and descriptions of what happened are upsetting and rather detailed, so I'd probably make sure you're aware of what you're getting yourself into before you dive into your next true crime binge.
Meet Gemma Hoskins who shares with us today, her personal, relentless pursuit of the unsolved murder of her favorite high school teacher, Sister Cathy Cesnick and what they uncovered, which was more horrible than even murder.
Listeners, Please Note: Shari Karney, the host of Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women and Survivors is a survivor and a practicing attorney in California representing victims of child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.
Even though Shari Karney is a licensed practicing attorney in the State of California practicing in the areas of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, this podcast is intended for informational purposes only, there is no expectation of confidentiality and is not intended nor should it be construed as legal advice. For legal advice, you should seek competent legal counsel. If you’re interested in speaking to Karney’s law practice they can be reached at
Please also note that Karney Law is owned by Shari Karney. Karney is the founder of Roar as One. Roar as One is a nonprofit, Karney Law is a law firm and they are otherwise unaffiliated.