Jun 15 2023 84 mins
“I think authenticity is really important. It's nice to look and learn from what other people are doing, but follow your own normative compass. Follow the path that looks right for you and your organisation, and just work your way through it, step by step. Be ready to have ethically defensible strategies when operating in areas that are open to critique, but it's more important to be a doer than a critic. We also need to be self-reflective and critical and be agile when we can. Take the opportunities when we can, be bold.”
In this podcast episode, we have the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Roger Attwater, Senior Manager at the Environmental Sustainability at Western Sydney University’s Division of Infrastructure and Commercial. Roger leads the team overseeing the implementation of the Environmental Sustainability Policy and the Environmental Sustainability Action Plan and related initiatives, including engagement opportunities through the Living Labs.
Roger and Barbara chat about Western Sydney University's efforts on climate action, their net zero strategy, and what led them to be ranked number 1 in the Times Higher Education Impact rankings for their overall action across the Sustainable Development Goals for two consecutive years.
In this episode, find out:
- What showing up for climate action means for Western Sydney University
- Western Sydney University’s number 1 ranking in the Times Higher Eduction Impact rankings
- Western Sydney University’s Living labs
- Western Sydney University’s mitigation efforts
- Western Sydney University’s interpretation of climate positive
- Western Sydney University’s net zero strategy
- Western Sydney University’s achievement of carbon neutrality
- Western Sydney University’s biggest hurdles in achieving Climate Active certification
- Roger's view of nature repair markets of the Commonwealth government
- Intersection between biodiversity schemes and carbon offsets
- Emission sources of the University
- Emission reduction initiatives
- The importance of internal stakeholder support
- What's next in Western Sydney University’s sustainability journey
Connect with 100% Renewables:
- Visit our Youtube channel for lots of Net Zero explainer videos: Driving Net Profit with Zero Emissions
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Get in touch with Roger:
- Roger’s LinkedIn account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roger-attwater-0587ba266/
- Western Sydney University website: https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/
- THE Impact ranking: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/impactrankings
- Podcast episode with Austral Fisheries: https://100percentrenewables.com.au/podcast/casting-the-net-zero-reasons-to-delay-climate-action-with-austral-fisheries/