Feb 08 2023 49 mins
Nothing less than the biggest greenwashing case ever is the subject of this international episode of Planetary Business. Whistleblower Desiree Fixler tells us the outrageous story of the € 460 billion scandal she brought to light: How DWS/Deutsche Bank, one of the biggest asset managers in the world, claimed to invest its customers’ money in a green, ESG compliant way while in fact it didn’t. How Desiree’s allegations sparked investigations by US and German police and banking authorities and made the CEO resign.
And why this is a case of corporate governance failure that all companies can learn from to become leaders in ESG. Listen to this tell-all interview that is both more valuable than a class at Harvard Business School and crazier than anything on Netflix.
The host of the podcast series Planetary Business is Stefanie Hauer, eco-investor and corporate sustainability leader. Follow Stefanie on LinkedIn:
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