Mar 03 2025 37 mins 1
We explore the myths and realities of space colonization and assess whether humans can survive long-term deep space travel. In this episode, author Dennis Meredith explains why we might need to rethink our ambitions and focus on protecting our planet instead.
• Dissecting the notion of humanity becoming a multi-planet species
• Highlighting the physical impacts of space travel on human health
• Exploring toxic lunar and Martian dust hazards
• Discussing the economic feasibility of Mars colonization
• Urging prioritization of environmental efforts on Earth over space exploration
• Advocating for a deeper understanding of Earth's ecosystems
Earthbound is scheduled to be released March 31st. Learn more about Dennis Meredith's book at
Dennis Meredith has worked as a science communicator at leading research universities, including MIT, Caltech, Cornell, Duke and the University
of Wisconsin. He is author of the nonfiction books Explaining Research:
How to Reach Key Audiences to Advance Your Work; The Climate Pandemic:
How Climate Disruption Threatens Human Survival; and Earthbound: The
Obstacles to Human Space Exploration and the Promise of Artificial
He also writes science thrillers, and his latest
environmentally themed novels are the award-winning Mythicals and Attack
of the Food Zombies.
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