Jan 17 2024 66 mins
On this BONUS episode of Free for All Friday! 🙌
We were in the middle of our 24-hour marathon to raise money for the Stephanie Shewell Memorial Fund, when two Icon agents, Austin Cheviron and Chanel Hart D’Aprix, joined us as special guests. 😍
We decided to spice things up and see who was the best of the best. We gave them a head-to-head listing competition, where they had to pitch their services to a potential client and convince them to sign with them. 🏠
It was a nail-biting showdown between these two icons, who shared so many tips and tricks on how to be a top-notch agent. They both delivered amazing presentations and went for the close. 💯
But who was the winner? Who got the contract? You’ll have to watch the video to find out! 😱
Leave your comments below and let us know who you think won and why.
And don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and support the Stephanie Shewell Memorial Fund. 💖
This is Free for All Friday, where anything can happen! 🔥
For more information on Cheviron Coaching visit: https://www.chevironcoaching.com/
Full Episodes can be watched on: www.youtube.com/@freeforallfriday
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