Nov 01 2024 65 mins 6
He who teaches the truth finds himself locked in battle against all those who teach falsehood. With what tools will you equip him? That is the question motivating "Education of the Clergy," a 9th century treatise written by one of the great students of Alcuin: Rhabanus Maurus. The stereotype of the "dark ages" - the narrowness of mind and dogmatic intolerance of the early medieval period - is shown up to be mere mythmaking by the broad, even humanistic cast of mind Rhabanus Maurus brings to the question of education.
Richard M. Gamble's The Great Tradition:
Jonathan Roberts's Classical Schools Are Not Really Classical:
Rhabanus Maurus' De inventione litterarum:
Vegetius' De re militari:
Derrick Peterson's Flat Earths and Fake Footnotes:
New Humanists is brought to you by the Ancient Language Institute:
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