Sep 04 2023 49 mins
Week 21 Day 5 - Today's affirmation is "I am Drawing to Me Resources to Compliment My Goals - I am Happy with the New Rhythm of Moving Forward Every Day."
Today we talk about moving forward and supporting our rhythm in life. The song for today is "Break My Stride" by Matthew Wilder.
This week we are Diffusing a Blend of 2 drops each of Ginger (The Oil of Empowerment), Helichrysum (The Oil for Pain), and Coriander (The Oil of Integrity) and today we talk about the major physical benefits of each of them.
As always if you want to get the oils, talk to your favorite doTERRA essential oil friend or you can order from me by clicking the link here:
If you have questions or comments, feel free to email us at [email protected]
The song used in the intro and outro is Be Inspired by Keys of Moon via Creative Commons License. Go to to hear the full song.