Dec 19 2024 30 mins
Are we acting like beggars instead of the commander Christ has authorized and empowered us to be? It is true that without God I am nothing, but I am not without God. He lives on the inside of me. Now I have authority and power to command the power of God. Its just like electricity. The power company generates the power and and delivers it to our home. We've signed a contract and that power is under our command. If we want the light to come on we don't call the power company and ask them to come out and turn it on. They generate the power, but we must take our position of authority and flip on the switches. Click to learn more. This podcast study series is from the Believer's Authority the things that you didn't learn in church by Andrew Wommack. This is lesson 10 of 26 with one on the conclusion. Below you will find the link to download discipleship questions and scriptures.
Life, it's a Big Faith Journey
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