Mar 31 2024 57 mins
Today we are discussing the topic of spirituality. This is a broad topic and one that can sometimes be hard to put into words, so I am delighted to be joined by returning guests, Gael Kilduff and Colm Early who share their perspectives. We discuss some definitions of what spirituality is and explore how it can inform your work as a therapist even if you don’t regard yourself as spiritual or ever sue the work with your clients. We discuss what it means to be truly present with your clients, to hold and provide the sacred space of therapy and to meet each client as a holistic person in their own world. We also explore what is needed by the therapist so that they can get out of their own way for these things to happen. Gael Kilduff is head of Counselling and Psychotherapy with PCI College and is an experienced supervisor and therapist. Colm Early is also an experienced supervisor and therapist, as well as a faculty lecturer and year two head with PCI College. This is an inspiring and grounding conversation and I hope you find something that resonates with you in it.