Aug 04 2023 14 mins
I've been exploring my gender identity with an open curiosity for the past few years. And that journey had often left me a little confused, and uncertain, and questioning a lot of my understandings of the world.
But when I started to honour my spiritual side and explore new spiritual practices, it suddenly all made sense.
PLUS: we're on YouTube!
On this week's episode, I get into...
- My gender story, my coming out story, as Gender Fluid
- The importance of honouring your spiritual health in life, because all parts of our identity are interwoven
- This week's reading featuring a lot of joy, love, and abundance
Resources to check out…
- Express to Release: How Verbalizing Your Thoughts Helps You Heal - Ep. 32
- Learn more about Mental Health First Aid Certification and register for my upcoming course!
- Don't forget to sign up to receive your weekly permission slip to do what you gotta do to strengthen your mental health and cultivate the life you want to live. Subscribe to Permission to Thrive now.
- Get your own personal tarot reading
Follow Megan on Instagram. Catch more Tarot Reflections on TikTok.
Do you want to have your tarot cards read by me, on this podcast, for free? I've got my first ever 'Listener Readings' episode coming up. On this special episode, I'll be doing mental health tarot readings for your submitted questions. Up to five questions will be read on the podcast, so be sure to get your question in ASAP to have it shared on the first release of the series. I'll be reading them first come, first served.
Send in your questions to [email protected]. Be sure to include:
- your question and any context you might want shared
- the name you want me to refer to you as (it can be your first name, it can be a fake name, or it can be one of those fun quote-unquote names people would create when writing into advice columnists!)
- your Sun sign, if not your Big Three
Keep in mind, everything in your email would be shared on the podcast unless you specifically request a piece to remain private.
Then be sure to tune in to the upcoming Listener Readings episode to see if your cards have been pulled.