Aug 09 2023 22 mins
If you're not familiar with gaslighting, it's a type of manipulation where one partner attempts to influence the other's perception of reality by invalidating their opinion and making them question themselves. It's an insidious form of abuse of power that can have serious consequences for those affected by it.
If you're curious to learn more, I encourage you to give this episode a listen. You'll find it on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, both free and easy to use.
It's been an amazing experience putting this episode together and I hope you'll enjoy it just as much as I do. I'm confident that this episode will help give you the tools you need to recognize and manage gaslighting.
Thank you for listening and until next time, stay safe!
Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Lybled podcast! If you found today's discussion valuable, don't miss out on more transformative insights in my book, Anti-Growth Triggers. Head over to Amazon to get your copy today.