Mar 01 2024 73 mins
Chantelle Salisbury is an energy alchemist that works with various tools in unearthing the true magic that's in each of us! She uses things such as reiki energy, sound healing, crystal healing, psychic development, intuitive card readings, angel numbers, angel numerology, holistic counselling and her guides to assist clients.
She is a nature lover, and has a double earth astrology of Taurus and Virgo rising star signs. She has a deep love of all things in the spiritual world which began when she was quite young, and she was always intrigued by magic and the unexplained which she wasn't able to explore until she was older.
Chantelle's Contact Details:
Instagram: @unearthedenergyhealings
In this episode we talk about:
- Astral Travel
- Soul Projection into other dimensions
- Visiting friends in your dreams
- Out of body experience whilst dreaming
- Fears of astro travel
- Meeting up with different entities
- Astral travel to meet with people to have interactions like healing
- Do you have to be asleep to access astral travel?
- Astral travel for space exploration
- Astral travel to visit aliens
- Protection and boundaries for astral travel
- Having a positive mindset for astral travel and lucid dreaming
- Being grounded for astral travel
- Using crystals for astral travel
- Lucid dreaming
- Lucid dreaming connecting to us through our guides
- Lucid dreaming as a healing state
- Meeting up with past loved ones through lucid dreaming
- Yoga and meditation and lucid dreaming
- Prophetic dreams
- Dreams coming true
- Predicting the future
- Psychics and predictions
Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother