Feb 14 2024 76 mins
Welcome, Minions, to our 50th "real" Episode! (not counting filler episodes, interviews, and two parters).
Normally, we cover what we consider to be relatively unknown topics to help you discover new things, but for this special day, we decided to cover what we thought was the post popular and well known piece of dragon literature out there: Eragon. We're sure you've all heard of it, at least in passing, so we'll just give a quick review before simply sharing our thoughts on the world, story, writing, and so on. We cover the first book, the movie, and even the game adaptation minorly.
Bittersweet news, this is also the last episode that Dilitan will be consistently joining us on, as some additional responsibilities in life are taking up his free time now. He will pop in from time to time for some of the simpler, faster stuff, like movies, but the time sinks that are books, he will likely sit out on in the future.
We hope you enjoy the content we bring you and stick around with us for many more episodes <3
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