Episode 167 | October 11, 2024: Megahurricanes and the Climate Crisis

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Oct 11 2024 40 mins   7

In just two weeks, two huge Category 5 hurricanes slammed into Florida and North Carolina, killing hundreds of people and causing tens of billions of dollars in property damage. The new reality of climate change is that global warming is no longer in the future. It's here now. The question is: what are we going to do to adjust in order to survive and mitigate the damage?

Two veteran political cartoonists who also happens to be best friends despite having diametrically opposed politics, Ted Rall (Left) and Scott Stantis (Right), focus on the hard decisions America and the world need to be taking going forward. Will some places have to become off-limits? Should insurance companies be allowed to deny coverage to people who live in dangerous place is vulnerable to climate change? What is our responsibility to people affected by these storms?

The DMZ America Podcast is recorded weekly by political cartoonists Ted Rall and Scott Stantis.

Twitter/X: @scottstantis and @tedrall

Web: Rall.com