#TheGreatResignation has turned into #TheGreatRetrenchment in the past 12 months, with tech workers being one of the groups that have been most affected.
In this conversation about retrenchment, popular content creator and tech worker, Jeraldine Phneah, shares her recent retrenchment experience. Jeraldine also explained why companies sometimes lay off good performers and how workers can recover from this setback.
3:10: Why do some companies retrench workers who are performing well, or have just received a promotion or a good bonus? And why do they sometimes rehire so quickly after a layoff exercise?
14:00: Coping as a survivor of a retrenchment exercise isn’t easy. Besides an increase in workload, remaining employees may experience a lack of job security. Should they also start looking for new jobs?
19:15: Is loyalty to a company still applicable today?
22:15: Are you working harder for yourself or your boss?
27:00: Why workers today should think about retrenchment as part of their career journey
29:30: Can a worker who has been laid off still ask for a higher salary in their next job? Or should they be realistic and accept lower pay?
33:00: Is it true that HR recruiters will only want to talk to you if you have an existing job? Do you become less desirable as a worker once you have been retrenched?