Mar 02 2025 34 mins
This week, Tokyo Academics Lead Admissions Consultant Jennifer Liepin sits down with Ryan Klohr, an experienced Admissions Reader at University of California Irvine and the prestigious QuestBridge organization, which partners with elite universities to provide substantial financial aid to high-achieving students from low-income backgrounds. Ryan also serves as a College Counselor at IMG Academy, where he guides aspiring college athlete recruits. IMG hosts NCSA College Recruiting, the world's largest college athletic recruiting platform.
In this first installment of our two-part conversation, Ryan shares his insider perspective on the UC admissions process. He reveals how undergraduate applications are evaluated, how international applicant reviews differ from domestic ones, and offers crucial guidance on approaching the Personal Insight Questions (PIQs). Whether you're considering applying to Berkeley, UCLA, or any UC campus, Ryan provides valuable advice to strengthen your candidacy.
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